Whimsical Modern Black and White Nursery Details

I wanted to share just a few more details from Eleanor's nursery that didn't get included in our last post. I didn't throw these in because I took them myself, and I wanted Jana's amazing work to stand alone. Just a very few days before our girl arrived I decided to style up her space and take pictures (I didn't know it at the time, but I was actually in the very earliest stage of labor). These pics include a closer look at some of my favorite things, and of course I had to add flowers for a little extra pretty.

So you heard me rave about the crib, seriously awesome. I found the black and white rug on Crate and Barrel's site, and at the time it was on sale for super cheap, and also it is huge, which is nice. The floors in Eleanor's room are old wood and a bit discolored, so the big rug is a nice way to cover some of the bad spots. I love making baby quilts and aphgans for friends, so it was only natural that I crochet one for our little girl. I chose to stick with simple stripes in black, white, and pops of coral and peach.

I decided to sew this polka dot heart pillow just a week or two before my due date. I found the fabric at Joanne's and it was just too perfect not to make a project out of it. Pictured is Andiamo the Dog was Eleanor's first blabla doll. She's got a collection now. I absolutely love them, so colorful and fun!

Aside from the color scheme the nursery didn't necessarily have a theme. However a common note does run through the whole space, and you've probably guessed it, dogs. We are dog lovers over here, especially the dachshund and beagle variety. I fell in love with this whimsical modern lamp and registered for it. Some of our friends bought it for us, it's one of my very favorite accessories in the space.

Here's a better picture of dresser from Land of Nod. Love it! The gold shelf in the picture is an antique. It was beat up wood, so I painted it gold for a metallic touch to match the existing sconces in the room.

Eleanor's stuffed animal collection includes some old from her dad and I, and also some new. When I saw this Alice + Olivia bear at Starbucks in the striped dress of course I had to get it, it was a perfect match!

A friend gifted me this dachshund print by Staci of Gingiber at my baby shower, and I loved it so much I contacted her about getting a custom beagle pillow made too. I won the sweet striped Land of Nod chair at a Christmas event hosted by Ampersand Design Studio. I sewed the curtains out of polka dot ikat fabric I found on Fabric.com.

Another wonderful gift from a friend was this sweet chevron dachshund hand made by Friends of Socktopus. His name is Wayland, need I say more? I saw the ceramic dog below at Target and snatched it up quick. I used it for flowers for the pictures, but now it's full of some of Eleanor's headbands and moccassins. The gold polka dot jewelry box was also a Target purchase (I'm a little bit addicted to Target).

This mobile was a last minute addition to the space, but I think it totally ties the room together. It was a fun DIY too, and I've even started to sell these mobiles to a few lucky little babies (contact me if you'd like me to create a customized one for your little one).

And last a different view of the room. Thanks for checking out the details of Eleanor's space!
xo ~ Emily