Eleanor's Black and White Pom Pom Photo Shoot

I recently shared Eleanor's first birthday party, and all the fun projects we did to make her day special. I just love planning a good celebration, so it seemed fitting that we put together a mini party for her one year photo shoot. This would be our final shoot with Jana Marie Photography. I'm telling you guys, she's a genius, and I love all the colorful fun images she captured during this session with our sweet girl. You can see our maternity, newborn, and 4 month shoot in previous posts.

The major inspiration behind the shoot was the jumper Eleanor is wearing by Elyse Vaughn of Brass Razoo Kids. I snagged up one of her beautiful pieces before she went crazy big time (now they're almost impossible to get). Hop on over to her Instagram account, it's easy to see why she's so popular. I'm so glad I got one when I did! I loved the fun colorful fabric, the black and white crochet neckline, and of course the pom poms. I incorporated all these colors and elements into the shoot. I hand made the pom pom garland, as well as some giant tissue paper pom poms to decorate our fiddle fig tree. Talk about a color explosion!

I'm kind of obsessed with The Alison Show and her Cookie Party e-course. I've always wanted to learn how to make sugar cookies with royal icing, and she makes it so easy you guys. For real! I made some yummy cookies to match our photo shoot (and for my mom's birthday which was the same day).

There were a handful of hand made projects I created for the shoot, but my favorite was the floral crown. Of course Eleanor only wore it for a few minutes (she's not a hair accessory girl), but it was totally worth it. I wanted the flowers and pom poms to match the shoot, and I threw in some gold glitter leaves for good measure.

Thank you so much for checking out Eleanor Pearl's sweet little one year photo shoot. I loved putting it together. Her first year was such an adventure for us, and through it all, good and bad, I feel so grateful that she's ours, and I get to be her momma. Thank you again too to Jana for using your talents to capture these memories for us. You're the best!
xo ~ Emily