Our Baby Gender Reveal

When we were trying to decide how to do our babies gender reveal for our families, there was no shortage of ideas out there. Cutting into a colored cake, scratch off tickets, and boxes full of blue or pink balloons. I really liked the whole balloon idea when I first saw it, but I wanted to put our own spin on it. I love the giant round balloons that have been so popular the past few years for weddings, and party decor so I decided to incorporate one of those. I added streamers and confetti to the balloon string in the colors to reveal the gender, and wrapped it all up in a little box. When the box is opened the balloon shoots up and the streamers reveal if it's a boy or girl. Here's our families reactions to the news:
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I wanted to leave a little space between so it didn't ruin the surprise for you. Did you like it?

I think I like the still photos even better than the video because it really captures the surprised looks on everyones faces.

We had so much fun creating this moment for our families, I hope they loved it too. We're excited to welcome a little girl. The next question everyone asks is if we are sharing the name, and yes we are. We wanted to choose a name that had special meaning, so we started by brainstorming with combinations of family names. For a girl the choice was pretty easy, we decided on Eleanor Pearl. Eleanor is my maternal great-grandmother's name, and Pearl is a name that can be found on both Matt's father, and mothers side of the family. We've been calling her little Ellie for short, but we know she'll have all kinds of cute nicknames, and we can't wait to meet her.
xo - Emily